Hello all;

This is a BCC email, so no one can see your email address.  If you wish to be taken off this list, please reply stating as such and I will gladly remove you.  We will be reviewing the attendance and removing folks in a few weeks as a courtesy os you may just drop off naturally via "process".

Thanks to all who came to the second Rockin' Jester Square Dance Class.
We did a review of the first night, and introduced the following calls:
          Square Thru (N) - (video)
          Star-Thru - (video)
          California Twirl - (video)
          Grand Square - (video)
More detail on these calls and others we have introduced can be found below.  We will see these calls going forward many times.
Now that the class is started I am trying to be available at 6:30 if you want extra practice, have questions, or missed the prior week.  
And we have a class level event scheduled below, down about 2-3 inches....?
For those of you with a bit of extra time on your hands.  The following YouTube video link "might" be interesting.   It's demo dance at a Grand Prix at Neurburgring, Germany.  If you watch closely you can see the Dosido, the Square Four, a BackTrack(boys here), and the Promenade-Half Way that we worked in the last class session.   There is patter portion, and then a singing call.   We will work swing your partner in the next class session. 
Upcoming Events:
As always, at least most days, I am available starting at 6:30 PM if you missed the prior week, or just want some help.  You will find that square dancing is a mind game, and also good exercise.  It helps to come in early once in awhile.  Things will seem confusing at first.   Note that I get lonely if no one shows up early.
Tork Clark,
Note that the following descriptions are not meant to be real definitions.  They are discussed here in a colloquial fashion only to remind you, in a vague way, of what we did.  Please ask questions in class if something needs more explaining.   And we should review most things for 2 weeks afterwards in shorter and shorter discussions.   And of course a lot of these are building blocks on which we iterate and we will use a number of them in each class session.
#2-The week of 02/11 we introduced the following new call(s). 
Square Thru (N) - Where the default is Square Thru-4.  By default starts this starts with the right pull-by, turn in to the center of your 4 dancer unit, then a left pull-by, turn in, alternating hands.  The last count is a pull-by with no turn in.    For Square-Thru three, for example, 1/right pull-by, turn-in, 2/left-pull-by, turn-in, 3/right pull and go straight.
California Twirl - Dancers raise their hands to make an arch, the man's hand is palm up, ladies palm down.  They exchange place by the man walking in a large right hand semi circle, the lady in walking in a tight left hand circle.  The dancers pass right shoulders.  They end facing the opposite direction from which they started.   They do not hold hands, their fingers are touching but not holding.
Star Thru: Starts with a man facing a woman, ends in a normal couple formation.  A man places his right hand against the lady's left hand, palm to palm, fingers up, to make an arch.  The dancers move toward each other, the woman moves under the arch turning to the left 90 degrees.  The man turns 90 degrees to the right moving past the woman.
Grand Square:  Commonly starts with Heads Face, or Sides Face.   This one might be worth watching.
#1-The week of 02/04 we introduced the following new call(s). 
Note that we will never again see this many calls in a night.  But these first few calls we introduced are easier.  And we will review all calls in the following weeks.   It seems to take about 3 nights to absorb a call.
Most of the calls we performed are summarized in the following three 5 minute videos.  Note that these videos can be a bit dry.  (sorry...?)
The following single "calls" were introduced on this night.
Circulate - Couples Circulate - We did this from what we call 2-Faced Lines.   Lead couples changes sides.  The trailer couple moves into their Leaders spot, and become leaders.
Bend The Line (2faced Lines) - Should really be called Break the Line.  From lines, each couple, as unit, turns to face the other couple in their line.
Veer Left (facing couples) - Each couple moves to the left, the center dancers join hands
Lead Right - The designated couple looks right, and moves in an arc, 90 degrees, to the right to stand in front of the other couple, or face out of the square.
Ladies Chain (2 ladies, 4 ladies, 4 ladies 3/4)
Ladies Chain 3/4 - Ladies star by the right, count three boys, and your corner who you started the call with Courtesy-Turns you.
Courtesy Turn -
Courtesy Turn:  Starts with normal couples, the man places his left hand, palm up, in front of the lady.  The lady places her left hand, palm down on the mans left hand.  The lady places her hand optionally on her back, palm out.  The man places his right hand on the lady right hand, or upper lower back, the man backs up, the lady walks forward.  They turn 180 degrees in place.  If the lady is moving towards the man the man slides right to give her rooms and extends his left hand to turn her.
Separate Around 2 and Meet Your Partner - Turn away from your partner, walk around the two static dancers, pass right shoulders if you meet anyone, and keep moving till you meet your partner.
Backtrack (Girls) - Turning away from the center of the circle, go in the opposite direction from which they started.
Ladies in Men Sashay and Boys in Ladies Sashay - The designated dancers step in, and the others sashay behind the dancers to join their "NEW" partner.  We have only done this from Circle Left, so the "sashayers" have sashaying to the left.
Pass Thru - With the dancer in front of you pass thru with your right shoulder near their's.
Left/Right Hand Star
Weave the Ring - Same as a Right and Left Grand, but no hands.
Right and Left Grand - Facing a Partner, do a left pull-by, right pull by, left pull-by, then a right pull-by.  Meet your starting person, await the next command.
Right Arm Turn
Allemande Left
Star Promenade
Star Promenade:  The designated dancers is performing a STAR, and the callers states, Star Promenade, the dancers in the middle place their arm on the back/waist of the directed dancers and promenade as a couple as directed until the next call is given.  Nominally the directed dancers are the partners, but it need not be. 
Single File Promenade
Promenade 1/2 - We need this both from pass thru facing out positions and from the static square starting position.
Promenade - We introduced Promenade as couples and single file promenade.  In addition with "Girls" backtrack, promenades were done with each gender in opposite directions.
Forward and Back
Circle Left  or Circle Right
Dancer Naming, Boys, Girls, Heads, Sides, 1, 2, 3, and 4,
Standard Stuff (should be read once, updated 23-SEP-2014):
For the WEB online folks, my suggestion is to try the following WEBSites
Hit the "Basic and MainStream" button to pull up your desired call, ie "Chain Down the Line", then in the center of the page, Hit the "Play" button".  The dancers will move before your very eyes.  Boys are squares, girls are round.
    << http://videosquaredancelessons.com/lessons/#mainstream>>
Select either the Lesson Index or the Call Index.  A new menu of sorts appears at the bottom.  For Lesson Index, select the Play button  for what you want to see.  For Call Index, select the call you want to see.